Lithuania. Fondazione LIA cooperates with the Library for the Blind
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E-books for all. Towards an accessible digital publishing ecosystem, the white paper published by Fondazione LIA, will be translated and distributed in Lithuania. The initiative stems from an agreement between Fondazione LIA and the Lithuanian Library for the Blind, a center specialized in producing accessible editions for people with visual impairments.
The first step in this cooperation will be a webinar scheduled for December 15th, attended by members of the Library itself and its partners from the publishing sector and the Ministry of Culture. LIA experts will talk about the accessibility of digital publications, describing LIA daily work side-by-side with the Italian publishers that led to the creation of a catalogue including more than 28 thousand accessible e-books.
In 2025, the European Accessibility Act (EAA) will come into force, and it will require the entire digital publishing chain to be accessible. That’s why all European countries are laying the groundwork to be ready for the Act. In 2020, Fondazione LIA started a productive collaboration with Börsenverein, the German publishers and booksellers association, and with the German Center for Accessible Reading (dzb lesen), an important centre for the promotion of reading for people with disabilities.
LIA has become an interlocutor for all the European entities that are putting effort into making changes in view of the EAA. This type of collaboration between international partners makes it possible to take important steps towards achieving the right to reading for all, an increasingly essential issue.
The white paper E-books for all, first published by Fondazione LIA in November 2019, provides useful information regarding the legislation requirements. The publication examines roles and responsibilities of content producers, suppliers, online stores, and developers of reading solutions.
You can download it for free here:
It has already been translated in Japanese and distributed in Japan thanks to the collaboration of the Keio University Research Institute at SFC. You can read the translation and find more information on the dedicated page: 2021. すべての人のための電子書籍: LIA’s whitepaper in Japanese.
E-books for all is also being translated in German and will be soon published thanks to the collaboration of Börsenverein e dzb lesen.