Our services are aimed at all the players that want accessibility to become an integral part of their business strategy. Our consultancy activities are built on the basis of the specific needs of your company, thanks to the definition of personalized paths and the constant support in the different stages of implementation and development
We study case by case the most suitable strategies to create a shared culture of accessibility within an organization, involving both the management and the personnel responsible for the various activities, to ensure that all workflows are designed to have as target products and services that are accessible to people with visual disabilities.
Fondazione LIA can help the organizations it works with to define the roadmap to follow to achieve the individual objectives, transfer them the necessary know-how to be able to operate independently or take care of the development and conversion of products.
The underlying principle, on which all the activities of LIA are based, is that the earlier accessibility is included in a project, the greater the chances of success. Furthermore, if this rule is followed, costs will not necessarily be higher and the quality of what has been developed will certainly be better.
The activities are carried out by a multidisciplinary team with many years of experience in the field of accessibility, digital publishing and assistive technologies. All development activities and the audits to verify the accessibility and usability of products and services are carried out in collaboration with people with various disabilities to ensure compliance with their needs, as well as in regards to international accessibility standards.
Which is the accessibility level of your company?
The consulting service we offer is a path of three different phases.
The first phase involves analyzing the current level of accessibility and sharing the objectives to be achieved, including:
- the definition of a workflow whose processes are aimed at the production and distribution of accessible content, by indicating a roadmap with the changes to do compared to current procedures;
- the development of a tailor-made training plan to make the staff independent in the creation of accessible publications, websites and platforms;
- the development of a specific accessible project, be it a website, a platform, an application or publications or company documents (Word, PDF, EPUB).
We provide a detailed analysis of the products or services examined, of the workflows and of the methodologies used by internal staff or external suppliers for their design and development. This moment of analysis is functional to define the roadmap to follow to achieve the defined accessibility objectives.
In this phase, we share a workplan with your company, which defines all the activities and phases necessary to make a site, platform or existing publications accessible. Above all we work to ensure that all production processes include since the very first stages the steps necessary for the final result to be fully accessible to all.
Fondazione LIA guarantees its support for the entire duration of the project, through on-the-job support, with help desk activities, the implementation of tests and periodic checks on the achievement of the objectives defined in the first phase.
If you want to know more about what we can do together with your company, contact us to find out more and to request a preventive. Write us an e-mail at: segreteria@fondazionelia.org