Reading in the dark
A Reading in the dark is a highly experiential and engaging format to address themes as digital accessibility and the socio-cultural inclusion of people with visual disabilities
Through the absence of light, a Reading in the dark cancels any distinction between those who read with their eyes, those with their hands, and those with their ears. Famous writers and blind or visually impaired readers alternately read the same book, revealing the different ways of using it.
Over the years several authors of fiction and non-fiction have participated: Stefania Auci, Alice Basso, Agata Bazzi, Giulia Besa, Yulia Besplemennova, Gianni Biondillo, Federica Bosco, Marco Buttichi, Giulia Caminito, Vinicio Capossela, Gianrico Carofiglio, Cristina Cassar Scalia, Daniele Cassioli, Giulia Ciarapica, Paolo Colagrande, Paola Costanzo, Maria Laura Crescimanno, Giuseppe Culicchia, Michele D’Ignazio, Roberto D’Incau, Carlo De Amicis, Claudia De Lillo (Elasti), Edoardo Erba, Alessandro Ferrari, Giuseppe Festa, Anna Fogarolo, Andrea Franzoso, Chiara Gamberale, Alessia Gazzola, Ingrid Hollweck, Jelena Lengold, Emilia Lodigiani, Giuseppina Manin, Antonio Manzini, Bettina Milewski, Mavis Miller, Michela Murgia, Salvatore Natoli, Andrea Notarnicola, Moni Ovadia, Grata Pavan, Marco Peano, Valentina Perniciaro, Angelo Petrosino, Leonardo Piccione, Francesca Pieri, Cecilia Randall, Sara Rattaro, Paolo Russo, Isabel Saavedra, Carlotta Scozzari, Francesco Sole, Oney Tapia, Andrea Tarabbia, Licia Troisi, Serena Venditto, Federico Vergari, Andrea Vitali, Paola Zannoner.
An accessible e-book can be read by enlarging the characters, using the braille display or speech synthesis, allowing words to take shape in the dark. The words read, touched, listened become the means to establish new relationships, to experiment with new forms of learning, to express one’s identity and deepen the discovery of the other.
The Reading in the dark is:
- it is a highly participatory experience;
- it approaches the theme of accessibility in an unconventional way;
- it lights up fairs, festivals, meetings, conventions and events;
- it is designed for companies sensitive to issues of accessibility and alternative reading.
Reading in the dark is a registered trademark of Fondazione LIA.
Corporate Readings in the dark
We organize Reading in the dark also in private and corporate contexts. The particular format of the event is designed for realities sensitive to the issues of accessibility, diversity and inclusion.
A Reading in the dark brings us closer to the knowledge of the different ways of reading in an unconventional way, pushing us to understand the importance of creating and working every day with documents that are accessible to everyone, even to those with visual disabilities.