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E-books for all

E-books for all. Towards an accessible publishing ecosystem is the whitepaper published by LIA starting from the research and development work carried out in recent years alongside our publishers and making use of the international experience gained within the working groups on format standards, reading solutions and metadata for accessibility.

This whitepaper aims to be an agile manual, providing an overview of the different aspects involved, for all the players in the book value chain: content producers, aggregators and digital distributors, Books in Print catalogue producers and other providers of bibliographic data to the digital book supply chain, online bookstores and platforms, developers of reading solutions.

It identifies the role each actor may play in the accessible digital publishing ecosystem, describes the critical elements to be considered and provides the relevant references to the international standard accessibility specifications or guidelines to be followed.

It features the description of the new legislative framework regarding accessibility (Treaty of Marrakech and European Accessibility Act), explores the key steps while creating an accessible reading experience and provides all the references of the international specifications to be followed to be in line with the new regulations.

Cover Ebooks for all

E-books for all. Towards an accessible publishing ecosystem consists of 3 chapters, followed by two technical annexes designed for those who work in the sector and the case study of LIA:

  • The new legislative framework
  • An accessible digital publishing ecosystem
  • Metadata standards for accessibility
  • Technical annexes and LIA case study


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