European Disability Forum. The new report in EPUB is accessible
What's new
European Disability Forum’s Human Rights Report on political participation of persons with disabilities is now available in EPUB format. Fondazione LIA has converted and certified the accessibility of the file, which can adapt to different reading needs of visual impaired people and it can be read and navigated through the use of assistive technologies. It complies with the requirements of the EPUB Accessibility Guidelines.
You can find and download it on EDF’s website it the page dedicated to the publication.
The report
European Disability Forum is an organisation who represents the rights of persons with disabilities. It brings together representative organisations of persons with disabilities from across Europe.
The sixth edition of the EDF’s Human Rights Report focuses on the rights of persons with disabilities to vote and to stand as candidates in the European Parliament elections.
It explores the legal and practical barriers that prevent millions of persons with disabilities from exercising the same political rights as other EU citizens and highlights consequences, such as the underrepresentation in politics of persons with disabilities.