#iorestoacasaeleggo. The social campaign in time of quarantine
There are many initiatives in the world of books that have sprung up to support the sector and helped to pass the time for those forced to spend long days at home, perhaps without any company. Fondazione LIA welcomed with joy the request to participate with some speeches dedicated to the world of books during the “Primavera insieme a noi” marathon, promoted by the Italian Union of the Blind and Visually Impaired. The marathon was broadcast on the afternoon of March 20 on Slash Radio and also broadcast live on the social channels of MiBACT and Abili a proteggere, the Civil Protection page dedicated to disability.
For this occasion, Fondazione LIA asked some writers, who have participated in recent events and Readings in the dark, to tell us through short videos how they are going through these days. This initiative continues for the entire duration of the quarantine, through a social campaign: follow the hashtag #iorestoacasaeleggo on Instagram and take a look at the contents published on the LIA Foundation Facebook page to discover all the videos published so far.
Follow the @fondazionelia social profiles to find out who the authors of the next videos are, who will keep us company in these quarantine days with short readings, reflections and reading tips.