IPA and FEP bringing accessibility to their partners
As the European Accessibility Act is becoming law in June 2025 for publishing products and services, all publishers are required to plan an accessibility roadmap and acquire the appropriate skills. Accessibility will need to be built into workflows and into the value chain. A ‘born accessible’ mindset for e-books, websites, apps, and platforms will be essential.
Both the International Publishers Association (IPA) and Federation of European Publishers are working to better help their associates become compliants with the upcoming EAA.
Among their initiatives toward this goal, in recent months both the associations are collaborating with Fondazione LIA to organize some webinars introducing the topic of accessibility, designed specifically for an audience of publishers.
The first webinr will be in May, organized in collaboration with the IPA’s Educational Publisher Forum (EDF), and the second will be in June, with the collaboration of FEP. The two events are available to the associated publishers, upon registration.
The webinars will provide a clear and complete overview of what digital accessibility is as well as the legal, social, and commercial motivations to embrace it. Participants will become aware of:
- The legislative framework;
- The Born Accessible principle and its adoption by a publishing house;
- The accessibility journey of a print impaired reader.
Fondazione Lia’s webinar in collaboration with Ipa/Epf:
May 6th, 2021 13:00 Rome
Fondazione Lia’s webinar in collaboration with Fep:
Jun 1st, 2021 14:30 Rome
The webinars were made possible thanks to the countribution of Direzione generale Educazione, ricerca e istituti culturali del Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali e per il turismo