LIA at Include! 2023, the nordic conference on inclusive publishing
Include! will be back from the 24th to the 25th of April, the nordic conference on inclusive publishing organized by NIPI – Nordic Inclusive Publishing Initiative, a Nordic network of governmental agencies committed to provide accessible information, products and services to people with print disability.
The hybrid event brings together in Malmö (Svezia) accessibility experts, readers, publishing industry professionals and stakeholders to share information about the upcoming accessibility requirements, best tools and tips, technical and standards development, and more!
Fondazione LIA was invited to partecipate with a speech by Gregorio Pellegrino (Chief Accessibility Officer of LIA) about the latest research and development achievement of LIA, making a fixed layout EPUB accessible (see this feature article).
Include! 2023 speakers and programme
Confirmed speakers for Monday 24th, 12.30-17.00 CEST:
- Elin Cullhed, award-winning author of “Euphoria”
- Inmaculada Placencia Porrero, Senior expert at the European Commission
- Gautier Chomel, Accessibility expert at EDRLab
- Maija Lähteenmäki, Publishing Editor at Aalto art books
- Gregorio Pellegrino, Chief Accessibility Officer at Fondazione LIA
- Richard Orme, CEO of the Daisy Consortium
- Lars Wallin, founder of Colibrio
The full schedule of the event with all the speeches is available on the event website.
How to participate in Include! 2023
Those taking part in the conference will be able to see all the presentations, panel discussions, workshops and demos, and a chance to meet Nordic colleagues and industry experts face to face.
Otherwise the conference will be shared online, streaming live on the 24th of April. More info about the registration: nipi.care/conference