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DPUB Summit 2024. The complete program


The Digital Publishing Summit (DPUB Summit) will be in Paris on 31st May. This initiative is focused on digital publishing and aimed at professionals in the book and publishing field, it is organized by EDRLab (European Digital Reading Laboratory), a non-profit organization active in the development of software, reading solutions and DRM for the creation of an open, interoperable, and accessible digital publishing ecosystem.

Continuing the collaboration of past years, Fondazione LIA is one of the sponsors of DPUB Summit 2024.

DPUB Summit program and LIA events

The conference will be held at the Philantro-Lab in the heart of Paris (15 rue de la Bûcherie, 75005). The event will consist of 10 sessions throughout the day, each dedicated to the presentation of technical innovations and projects in book publishing, with a particular focus on developments in Europe. You can find all the meetings in the complete program of DPUB Summit.

14.00: Prototyping AI for the digital publishing industry

Have you ever wondered how publishers and others in the publishing chain are using artificial intelligence technologies to automate their work? Recent developments such as large language models and generative AI technologies are revolutionising the industry, but they also raise new challenges and issues.

Join us for an exciting panel where we will discuss the current state of the technology, emerging practices and the needs and expectations of tomorrow. We’ll explore how publishers can take advantage of these technologies to improve their work while addressing the ethical and practical challenges they pose. We will also look at the future prospects for editing and publishing, exploring how AI technologies can help enhance products and services.

A roundtable with Adam Hyde (Coko), Gregorio Pellegrino (Fondazione LIA), and Vincent Gros (Hachette).

14.30: Accessibility lights on the ebook backlist

In the context of the European Accessibility Act, how can publishers evaluate the impact of converting any backlist ebook titles, and what are the possibilities and costs of remediation? The Accessible Backlist Ebook Laboratory (ABELab) partners will present the outcomes of this Creative Europe funded project.

A presentation by Chiara De Martin (Fondazione LIA) and Ted van der Togt (KB.nl).