Fotografia di una donna che legge un libro Fotografia di una donna che legge un libro
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Day of the European authors. A conference of the European Commission


The Day of European Authors is an initiative of the European Commission, led by Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth Mariya Gabriel, to reconnect younger generations with book reading and to help them discover the diversity of European literature.

In the frame of the first edition of the Day of European Authors, the Commission is organising on March 27th a one-day conference in Sofia on reading promotion, gathering Member States’ representatives of the ministries of Culture or Education, relevant public institutions and national NGOs active in this field as well as organisations representing the book and cultural sectors at European level.

The conference will be an opportunity to share examples and practices on how the education system and the book sector are collaborating to implement reading promotion actions in schools at local, national and European level.

LIA at the conference

Among the topics that will be discussed in various meetings during the day, inclusion could not miss. How to make sure that reading promotion actions are fully inclusive and reach out to all children? Participants will try to answer this and other questions during the workshop “Literature is for everybody”.

Fondazione LIA will be present at the conference and will be in this workshop in particular, where it will show the foundation’s activities and social projects to promote reading.