Webinar. Lessons learned in the journey to accessible publishing
Any publisher selling its e-books in Europe in 2025 and all the actors of the e-publishing supply chain will need to respect the European Accessibility Act.
On Novembre 9th, Cristina Mussinelli (General Secretary, Fondazione LIA) will partecipate to a DAISY Consortium’s webinar about accessibility for companies that want to get ready for the Act.
November 9th, 17.00 CET
Webinar registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_GNAitJLVQimFpVWCjTQQpQ
This webinar is recorded and made available on the following week.
If you encounter a challenge on the road to accessible publishing, chances are you are not the first. In this session, we will reveal the issues that arise again and again, and hear how they are being addressed by companies as they get ready for the European Accessibility Act.
This webinar is especially relevant for anyone interested in accessible publishing: publishers, retailers, publishing technologists, and consumers interested in the global impact of the new legislation.