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A training course on accessibility metadata and strategies for implementation


The European Accessibility Act requires that every ebook must be accompanied by accessibility metadata, namely information describing its accessibility features so that everyone can determine if a digital publication meets their needs.

Whether you’re new to accessibility metadata or an experienced professional, this course will help you understand their importance for your products and provide practical guidance for implementation.

The course: “Accessibility Metadata Display: Strategies for Implementation”

This event, organized by  Fondazione LIA in collaboration with Italian Publishers Association (AIE) will provide a comprehensive overview of how to distribute and effectively display accessibility metadata throughout the digital publishing supply chain, based on the latest Accessibility Metadata Display Guide for Digital Publications 2.0.

By combining theoretical knowledge with practical examples and implementation techniques, participants will develop both a solid understanding and actionable skills for effectively displaying accessibility metadata in their digital publications.

The course will be held by Gregorio Pellegrino, Chief Accessibility Officer at Fondazione LIA, and Christpher Saynor from EDItEUR, both co-editors of the above-mentioned Accessibility Metadata Display Guide.


  • Understanding accessibility metadata fundamentals
  • International standards and best practices
  • ONIX and EPUB Accessibility metadata implementation
  • Case studies of successful metadata implementations
  • Latest developments from international working groups on metadata display guidelines
  • Practical guidance for developers


March 24th, 2025

2.30-5.30 pm CET

Zoom Meetings

Info about the course: www.aie.it/Cosafacciamo/Corsieformazione/EnglishCourses/Courses2025.aspx

For more information write an email to segreteria@ediser.it


The seminar is organized by Fondazione LIA in collaboration with Associazione Italiana Editori, in the framework of APACE, co-funded by the European Union.

APACE logo, co-funded by the European Union