2024. Tutti per un libro, un libro per tutti!
Completed project
The project has been presented within the call issued by Cepell (Centro per il Libro e la Lettura) and it has been managed by Servizio Biblioteche del Comune di Monza, particularly by the Biblioteca San Gerardo in a partnership with the other 6 libraries of the city.
The project’s goal is to make the libraries a place for everyone, making the services accessible and inclusive, by taking into consideration the different needs of citizens. To reach this goal, the Servizio Biblioteche wants to work toward accessible communication, the development of new services and the implementation of the knowledge of users and employees, therefore reducing the barriers that limit the access to the libraries’ services. The beneficiaries of the activities are users with print impairments, cultural and social workers and the overall population. All these categories will be taken into consideration, in order to foster awareness on the issue and to make sure that the libraries become 100% inclusive.
The project’s partners are: Fondazione LIA, Federazione delle Istituzioni pro Ciechi, Associazione Italiana Dislessia, Biblioteca Italiana per i Ciechi di Monza, Associazione Nazionale Subvedenti, TikiTaka – Coop. Novo Millennio, Scuola Agraria di Monza – AutAcademy, Associazione Libro Parlato Lions e il portale Monzaperbambini.it.
As a partner, Fondazione LIA will organize some training courses and some awareness raising activities on accessibility.
The trainings
Two training courses will be held by the experts of Fondazione LIA. Both are addressed to cultural operators and librarians:
- The first is an introduction on accessible digital publishing. The topics addressed are: main accessibility features of a digital document, the needs of users that use assistive technologies, formats and technologies that allow printed impaired people to be independent in their reading experience;
- The second is a workshop split in two appointments focused on Microsoft Word for accessibility. Participants will be provided the know-how on how to make an accessible document.
Reading in the dark®
At the end of the project, Fondazione LIA, will organize a Reading in the dark®. During this event, which promotes inclusion in the publishing industry, the author takes turns reading his/her own work aloud to blind and/or visually impaired readers, who use various assistive technologies, such as a Braille display or text-to-speech software.