Photograph of two girls lying down reading Photograph of two girls lying down reading
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2024. BaCi di Cultura

Completed project

BaCi di Cultura is the project promoted by the Biblioteca comunale di Cerveteri “Nilde Iotti” (RM) within the call issued by Centro per il Libro e la Lettura (CEPELL) and co-financed by Fondazione CaRiCiv.

In a social and legal context which is moving towards accessibility, libraries, as pillars of culture and aggregation, must become inclusive for all users and meet their needs.

The project was born from these assumptions and wants to promote reading between people with disabilities, thus spreading the culture of diversity as a means of enrichment that nurtures curiosity, knowledge and grants everyone equal and fair access to culture and literature.

Many activities are foreseen between the end of 2023 and the summer 2024 and several partners are involved, including: Fondazione LIA, l’Istituto A. Romagnoli, the publishing house Uovo Nero.


  • Training courses for librarians and users
  • Meetings with students
  • Purchase of publications designed for children with reading and learning difficulties
  • Creation of a station equipped with assistive devices and books in digital format, audio, large print, and Braille
  • Inclusive games dedicated to children and individuals with reading and learning difficulties
  • Thematic performances presented by the Uovo Nero publishing house
  • Activation of a digital lending service for e-books and audiobooks
  • Awareness raising events such as Reading in the Dark®

Partnership with Fondazione LIA

Fondazione LIA will be in Cerveteri on April 17-18-19 2024 helping local operators and spreading its know-how on accessibility.

The events

Training course for librarians “The Potential of Accessible Digital Reading,” April 17, from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM, at Palazzo Granarone.

Training course on digital reading for individuals with visual impairments “Today I Read Too,” April 17-18-19 from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM, at Palazzo Granarone (April 17-18) and Sala Ruspoli (April 19).

Reading in the Dark® with Giulia Caminito, April 19, at 7:00 PM, at Sala Ruspoli.