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2022. Più libri più sport

Completed project


With the sponsorship of Dipartimento per lo Sport (Italian Department of sport), Fondazione LIA has created  the project called “Più libri più sport” dedicated to students of lower and upper secondary schools (11-18) of the Lazio Region. The project is organized for the 2022 edition of  Più libri più liberi, the national fair of small and middle publishing houses organized by AIE – Associazione Italiana Editori (the Italian publisher’s association) since 2002.

Thanks to this initiative, the great impact that reading and sport can have on the lives of youths will be highlighted through the stories and experiences of sportsmen  and the contribution of paralympic athletes: real sources of inspiration and motivation that can influence the young recruits, showing the value of inclusion and promoting social redemption.

The theme that will be explored in the meetings is linked to the cultural program of the  2022 edition of the fair: the labyrinth, in the sense of the chance to get lost  and find yourself  thanks to the experience and the knowledge derived from the infinite paths given by reading, and also thanks to the stories about the sport world.

The activities

The project aims to involve students thanks to interactive didactic activities, such as creative laboratories. The activities are divided in two phases:

  • the first phase will take place in November and it includes 5 meetings directly into schools of Rome and in Lazio: the children will be able to reason, discuss and confront with their peers, their professors and also athletes and authors that have dealt with sports;
  • the second phase will take place in the days of the fair and it includes 5 more meetings where the children will meet at the fair to exchange ideas and opinions and to check out how much reading and the books on the theme can have an impact on their lives.

The cycle of meetings will close with a Reading in the dark®, format invented by Fondazione LIA.

The meetings

  • La banda del pallone. Una storia di amicizia che nasce dallo sport di Enrico Martini e Loris De Marco, Tunué.
    Istituto IC Padre Lais, November 28th| Più libri più liberi, December 7th.
  • Un cuore da campione. Storia di Ludwing Guttmann inventore delle paralimpiadi di Roberto Riccardi, Giuntina.
    Istituto IC Ennio Quirino Visconti,  December 1st| Più libri più liberi, December 7th.
  • Mondiale mi manchi. L’Italia e le altre grandi assenze nella storia del campionato di Andrea Catalani, Il Filo di Arianna.
    Istituto Liceo Dante Alighieri, November 21st| Più libri più liberi, December 10th.
  • Pesi massimi. Storie di sport, razzismi, sfide di Federico Appel, Sinnos.
    Istituto IC Melissa Bassi,  November 30th | Più libri più liberi, December 9th.
  • La prova dei cinque petali di Paolina Baruchello e Andrea Rivola, Sinnos.
    Istituto IC Solidati Tiburzi, November 29th| Più libri più liberi, December 7th.


The Reading in the dark

The meetings will conclude during Più libri più liberi with a  Reading in the dark® that will take place the 7th of  decemebr (at 13.00) in the Mars Room.

Guests of the event will be Giusy Versace (Vice-president of the Italian Senate Committee on Culture and paralympic athlete) and Maria Clara Ori (Fondazione LIA).

Photo of the event Photo of Giusy Versace

Through the absence of light, a Reading in the dark cancels any distinction between those who read with their eyes, those with their hands, and those with their ears. Famous writers and blind or visually impaired readers alternately read the same book, revealing the different ways of using it.

An accessible ebook can be read by enlarging the characters, using the braille display or speech synthesis, allowing words to take shape in the dark. The words read, touched, listened become the means to establish new relationships, to experiment with new forms of learning, to express one’s identity and deepen the discovery of the other.


Loghi Fondazione LIA, Dipartimento dello sport, Più libri più liberi