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Countdown to EAA. A webinar on accessibility metadata


Metadata is a topic that everyday consumers easily overlook, but it provides the framework that enables the publishing industry to function. Everyone in the publishing industry will agree that metadata is essential. Accessibility metadata for digital publications is still a relatively new area, and one which the European Accessibility Act and other accessibility legislation is likely rely heavily upon.

DAISY Consortium organises a webinar to highlight the latest developments and best practices in accessibility metadata, showcasing how far we’ve come and discussing some of the challenges that remain. Fondazione LIA has been invited to bring its expertise on the topic.

LIA began working with accessibility metadata in 2011, by collaborating with Editeur, and later with the creation of Onix’s CodeList 196. Gregorio Pellegrino will partecipate in the webinar as a speaker: Pellegrino is Chief Accessibility Officer at LIA and co-editor of the User Experience Guide for Displaying Accessibility Metadata 2.0.

The event

January 22, 2025

4 PM (CET) on Zoom platform

“Countdown to EAA” is a series of monthly webinars marking the approaching entry into force of the European Accessibility Act by addressing a different topic each month.

You can register for the webinar “Accessibility Metadata – T-157 Days” here.